
Shasta University Sales Training

Shasta Sales Roundtable “Selling the Right Way”              Course Overview

After over 40 years of selling, and mentoring other salespeople, we’ve learned a few paradigms, principles and practices that will help any salesperson increase his or her effectiveness. Based on Jeffrey Gitomer’s 10.5 Sales Commandments and John Mortensen’s Paradigms and Practices for Sales Success, this lively discussion will feature stories and experiences that illustrate how and why understanding and adhering to these mindsets and behaviors will put you in a position to serve, sell and succeed in your sales role.

  • Mindsets to follow
  • Mistakes to avoid
  • Methods to master

The Shasta Sales Roundtable will help salespeople understand how observing and applying best practices will increase both their sales success and their personal satisfaction in their roles.

You can change old habits and create new neural pathways to success.

  • Goodbye to: “That’s just the way I am” or “That’s how I (or we) have always done that.”
  • Get out of self-defeating old patterns.
  • Share success stories that illustrate how possible it is to become different, better, happier, and more successful.

You will learn how Culture and relationships matter.

  • Learn how culture informs everything else.
  • Discuss “culture killers” and “culture builders” and how each affects trust.
  • Explore how the concept of “Circle of Influence” (learned in the 7 Habits) can specifically apply to us in our sales environment, and how we can be “agents of change”.

Participant Kit includes:

  • Jeffrey Gitomer’s “The Sales Bible”
  • Shasta U’s “Paradigms and Practices for Sales Success” (poster)
  • Sales Commandment Cards

Shasta University® 2023 JRM

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