
Two Design Center Locations to Serve Our Customers

New Pools | 12/13/22

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In our on-going effort to remain as transparent as possible with you, our customers and potential customers, and provide company updates, we wanted to share an important new change at Shasta Pools.

Our Norterra Design Center will be closing on December 16, 2022. We have been evaluating the location for some time now and our other two design centers, Surprise and Mesa, are in locations for the most growth in the next 5 years. This will help us to better serve our customers at both corners of the Valley. 

AND, good news! We are remodeling the Mesa location, making it look and feel much like Norterra. 

We look forward to seeing you at the design center that is most convenient for you.  

Any additional questions? Please feel free to contact us.