
6 Awesome Spring Plants For Arizona Outdoor Living Areas With Pools

Outdoor Living | 03/20/15

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Outdoor living areas with pools are already immediately beautiful given the pristine aquatic sanctuary that is already sieving as the focal point of your backyard. But for homeowners who really want to maximize the beauty and interest of their backyard pool and spa area, we have six gorgeous spring plants that are perfect for you.

1. Boxwood Beauty

The boxwood beauty is traditionally more drought resistant than most plants, making it ideal for hot Arizona springs and summers. There are a variety of colors to choose from, though bright pink is a surefire way to inject punches of bold color throughout your landscape.

2. Wisteria

This is a must-have for homeowners who are looking for a plant to cover their arbors or pergolas. Being a cross between a shrub and a vine, when properly cultivated wisteria provides you with lovely clusters of flowers of various colors that cascade down any trellis or wall.

3. Desert Spoon

Scientifically going by the name dasylirion wheeleri, this ornamental grass plant is native to the Sonoran Desert in Arizona. Unlike other ornamental grass, the non-shedding desert spoon flowers, adding extra dimension and interest to your backyard pool and spa area.

4. Dwarf Bottlebrush

This plant is ideal for winter and spring outdoor living areas with pools. Incredibly hardy and serving as a nice ground cover bush, the dwarf bottlebrush helps add color and diversity to your garden. Being an evergreen shrub, homeowners don’t need to worry about cutting it back, and it’s also drought-tolerant and grows well in containers.

5. Shasta Daisy:

How could this not be included on the list? Apart from being of the same namesake, the hardy shasta daisy blooms right in the middle of spring, sharing its bright white petals and cheery sunshine yellow center with homeowners from May right to the end of August.

6. Torch Glow Bougainvillea

This boldly colored showy shrub can serve as a screen for outdoor living areas with pools, though the reddish-pink blooms that this evergreen plant offers makes it the perfect accent shrub.

Did you know that Shasta has landscaping experts available to help you with your garden? Contact us today to find out how we can help you with your pool and landscaping.